In Our Sunday Finest

First Christian Church’s Sunday School in Canton, Ohio had formal photos taken on a Sunday morning in June, 1914.

Photos were taken by C.P. Rief. I.A. Miller was the copyright claimant.

Let’s look at the ladies’ Sunday school first:


The men’s Sunday School photo was erroneously labeled 1912, but both photos were taken June 7, 1914.


These pictures have so many little details!

June can get pretty hot in Ohio. I couldn’t find a historic paper with the temperature but I checked what today’s temperature is in Canton—another Sunday morning in June 110 years later. The high today is 83°. Pretty warm for those hats, ties, parasols, and coats but they do look lovely!

6 thoughts on “In Our Sunday Finest

  1. With the weather we are due to have next week in the 90s with humidity, I can’t even imagine. My parish is the old cathedral and it has no AC. I went to Mass at 6:30 am this morning because even though there is passive cooling with fans drawing air from the basement up through to the roof, the humidity is dreadful on hot days. The poor bishop and priests with all their vestments are roasting. I once joked with Dc Frank that as he was Italian, and southern Italian at that, he musn’t mind it so much. But he said that he hated hot weather and was incredibly uncomfortable in and so must be a totally abnormal Italian. LOL!

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    • Lol! I do think there’s something to that. My mom and her family are very fair and they are soo uncomfortable when it’s hot. None of them married people who are fair so family picnics are funny. They try to get in the shade under trees and all the in-laws like to be out in the sunshine! ☀️


      • We once took the kids with my in-laws on a cruise to the Bahamas. My ultra-tanned in-laws were soaking up the sun while I read a book in the shade of the palms and was mocked by them. My oldest, blonde, golden daughter tanned beautifully. My youngest, blonde, fair daughter burned to a crisp in spite of the sunscreen. My two middle brunettes burned a bit, but mostly the sunscreen saved them. The ex, a former white-blonde child, tanned just like his parents. We looked like a troupe of harlequins going back to the ship!

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