Grievous Deeds Trailer

Grievous Deeds audiobook now has its own trailer! It was created by musician and A/V expert Mr, Bryan Gibbs, and it’s pretty fantastic, if I do say so. It features real pictures from the case, original music created by Bryan Gibbs (which is also a track on the audiobook), and of course, the fantastic narration of Mr. Samuel Burst! It’s also important to mention the many awesome contributions of Ms. Alexandra Balestrieri to the audiobook and the commercial. She connected everyone together, identified the narration talent, gave excellent beta listener feedback, and even helped edit the commercial script!

Check out Grievous Deeds audiobook on Audible! 

8 thoughts on “Grievous Deeds Trailer

    • Thank you so much! It’s a lot different without a publisher. Who knew there was so much to it? but having talented friends who can help with these creative endeavors sure helps a lot!


      • Thank you so much, Ruby! The support and comments and interactions of everyone here are wonderful. It all makes a noticeable difference. If you have social media and you want to, you could repost the video. I’d be eternally grateful! 😎


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